60 Forward

Moving Wisconsin to a postsecondary education attainment rate of 60% by 2027

Learn more about our goal

Learning beyond high school builds Wisconsin talent

Wisconsin’s population is aging. With a wave of retirements and fewer high school graduates, the state faces an urgent and growing need for talent.

To meet that need, many more people must continue their learning beyond high school, earning college degrees, diplomas or certificates, or completing a registered apprenticeship.
Why is this important?

A higher “attainment rate” - the proportion of those aged 25-64 with an education credential beyond high school - is tied to greater labor force participation and increased earnings.

2019, Wisconsin's attainment rate was


The National Rate was


Labor Economists Estimate That


Will require a high-quality postsecondary credential by the end of this decade
In 2017, WTCS, UW and WAICU received a grant from the Lumina Foundation to begin addressing this challenge. The partners have agreed on the goal to increase the state's postsecondary attainment rate to 60% by 2027.

Visit www.WTCSystem.edu to view a map containing Wisconsin's current education attainment rates by county (toggle the layers to view the rates)
Learn more about our goal